Ecology and Jesuits in Communication

posted in: Reconciliation with Creation | 0

We are pleased to invite you to subscribe to Ecology and Jesuits in Communication, an e-newsletter of Jesuits and friends, as we respond to the global invitation (GC35 Decree 3) to understand the universal importance of engaging in ecological concerns and the need for reconciliation with creation.

The Jesuit Ecology Network, facilitated by the Jesuit European Office-OCIPE with partner members including the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP), seeks to have a developing global communication for Jesuits and lay collaborators to share existing engagements and advocacy and learn about ecological commitment to change and right relations with creation.

Initially to be distributed monthly in Spanish and English, Ecology and Jesuits in Communication is a response to those who increasingly seek to engage ecologically but need time, space, and information sources to express their ideas, build up confidence, share experiences, and integrate ongoing initiatives, before committing to say, “Yes, we are doing something.” websiteThe scope of Ecology and Jesuits in Communication integrates environment + global + Jesuit people and by offering readable science information with a social justice orientation towards faith enlightenment, we hope that this new e-newsletter can critically contribute in filling information gaps and building communication bridges.

We look forward to including more voices coming from all over the world where Jesuits and friends struggle, promoting justice and protection of the earth.  We expect too that Centres from other Conferences of Jesuit Provincials and Assistancies will contribute on a regular basis in the months to come.

We invite you to share this with others and we will be happy to hear your comments and feedback.

To subscribe to the newsletter, visit:

José Ignacio Garcia, SJ
Jesuit European Office, OCIPE

Pedro Walpole, SJ
Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP)